Back Surgery: When is it Needed?

For many people, the thought or situation of undergoing spine surgery can be overwhelming. However, at times, this remains the only or the necessary option to treat certain spinal conditions. Whether you are in talks for back surgery as a treatment or it is already scheduled with our spine specialist in Ahmedabad, knowing the basics always helps. Thus, this blog.

When is Back Surgery Generally Advised?

Generally, back surgery is recommended in case of the following conditions. They are:

  • Degenerative disc, damage or a condition of the spinal discs which can happen as people age.
  • Spondylolisthesis, a condition wherein one or more bones of the spine go out of position.
  • Ruptured or herniated discs, a spinal condition in which the discs cushioning the spinal bones are damaged.
  • Vertebral fractures are a result of osteoporosis or an injury or damage to the spinal bones.
  • Spinal stenosis, a condition wherein shrinking of the spinal column leads to pressure on the nerves and the spinal cord.
  • Cauda equina syndrome (a nerve root problem), an infection or tumor resulting in back pain.

Please note back surgery is subjective to an individual’s condition and its severity. It is only advised after careful analysis and evaluation.

Types of Back Surgery

Different types of back surgeries are performed to treat different conditions. However, some of the most common surgical treatment options for treating different causes of low back pain are:

  • Discectomy

This surgical option is done to remove a herniated disc or a disc that compresses the spinal cord/nerve root. It is usually performed with a laminectomy.

  • Kyphoplasty and Vertebroplasty

These surgeries are performed to treat vertebrae compression fractures, which are generally a result of osteoporosis. In both procedures, a bone cement similar to glue is injected into the bone to strengthen and harden it.

  • Foraminotomy

This procedure is generally performed to prevent the condition of bulging discs or thick joints (a result of age in most cases) from compressing the nerves. Under this, the surgeon will increase the size of the bony hole where the nerve root is present.

  • Spinal Decompression or Spinal Laminectomy

This is done when spinal stenosis results in numbness, weakness, or pain in the back. Under the procedure, the spine surgeon will remove the bone spurs and bony walls to treat the under pressure spinal column, ultimately releasing pressure from the nerves.

  • Spinal Fusion

Under this condition, the surgeon will first remove discs between the vertebrae. They will then proceed to use screws-secured metal devices or bone grafts to fuse the adjoining vertebrae.

  • Plasma Disc Decompression

Also known as nucleoplasty, this is a laser-based surgery. This surgical treatment uses radiofrequency energy to treat causes of low back pain, especially mildly herniated disc. Under this procedure, the surgeon will insert a needle in the disc and then a plasma laser device in the needle. The tip is then heated to vaporize disc tissue, significantly decreasing its size while relieving the nerve pressure.

  • Artificial Disc Replacement

At times, this surgical treatment is used as a substitute for spinal fusion for people who have severely damaged their discs. In the procedure, the original disc is replaced by a synthetic disc, helping to restore the vertebrae’s movement and height.


Back or spine surgery is often suggested when no other treatment alternatives are present or can work. Our spine experts will evaluate your exact condition to suggest the most suitable surgery (if required). Several factors matter and influence the surgery. Therefore, it is best to discuss it with our spine specialists. They are open to answering your queries and will also inform you about the formalities of the procedure, including the back pain surgery cost in India.

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